Friday, February 27, 2009

Matt's High-Five Fridays!

It's Friday! You know what that means. Time for my high-five of the week!

1) Automatic Staplers

On Tuesday I was in the computer lab as I typically am, and I needed to print out class notes for my Business Law course. Nothing out of the ordinary, right? Wrong! After printing out my sheets, I noticed that there was a stapler station right next to the printer. Turns out it was one of those space-age electronic hands-free staplers! It was like something you'd see being protected by the glass barrier at Office Max. You know, one of those things that is so cool you just want to play with but you can't touch because it's behind the glass case, and you beg for your Mom to get it for you but she says no and that you have to wait till your birthday, which isn't for three months, but you're sure you want it so you put it on your wishlist and a week later they release the latest hit videogame and you forget all about it. It was just like that, except I got to use it! It got me thinking, Penn State must have realized when they purchased it that everyone would want to use it, which in turn would make students want to write longer papers so they could staple everything they hand in. Brilliant! I'm on to you Penn State.

2) Obvious Questions

So, a few of my buddies came to visit last weekend, and on Sunday we decided to go to the Olive Garden for lunch. Well, we feasted like kings (and queens) on breadsticks and bottomless salads, so much so that it was hard to finish our actual meals. It ended up that some of us needed to get our meals wrapped to take home. Well, the manager came over to our table while our waitress was in the middle of boxing our meals. I got nervous because we were being loud and obnoxious most the meal, and I figured he was there to drop the law, but that wasn't it at all. Turns out he just wanted to ask how our meal was, but when he asked he said, "So did you guys have enough to eat?" He must have realized that our waitress was boxing most of our leftovers, and he quickly followed that up with, "Wow, that was the obvious question of the day, huh." It was. We all laughed and he left. But ofcourse we didn't stop there. As soon as he was out of earshot, my buddy Pat looked at us and said, "So, do you guys like food? Oh, wait, that was stupid." And I can assure you we still have making those jokes daily. So, do you guys like blogs?

3) Snuggies

You've all seen the commercial. Families at baseball games wrapped up in blankets with sleeves. Well, my one roommate ended up getting one and let me say they aren't half bad. After indulging in watching a number of movies this week, the snuggie came in handy when you wanted a blanket that keeps your arms covered, even when you need to reach for chips and a drink! But I still can't help but think the Snuggie was initially going to be a robe, but someone messed up the design and the machine that mass produced them cut them incorrectly leaving you with blankets with sleeves. I can just imagine that board meeting. "Tod, did you see what happened to all the robes?" "Yeah, what ever will we do!" "Wait, I got it. We'll market it as a blanket with sleeves, in the commercials we'll just show a bunch of cute elderly people. That'll do it! We can even throw a booklight in, too!" "Brilliant, we've done it again!" I'd imagine it went something like that. And on a side-note, the booklight is probably the closest thing we have to a Transformer. It's more than meets the eye.

4) Craisins

I was recently introduced to the fruit/berry/mutant-berry craisins. Those things are delicious! I was skeptical at first that it would be possible to make raisins any more crazy, but man was I proven wrong. I mean, there really isn't a wrong way to eat a craisin. Having cereal? Throw in some craisins and POW (onomatopoeia), you just made it crazy cereal! Not feeling that? That's fine, just eat them by themselves. Still delcious, still crazy. And the best part, you can play fantastic games with them, like "hide the craisins all over the apartment." It's basically like Where's Waldo, except instead of waldo you use a craisin, and instead of a book with fanciful mazes and waldo look-a-likes you use an apartment. Sounds crazy? Sure is! But they're craisins, and that's what they're for.

5) Pulp Fiction

Disclaimer: Pulp Fiction is rated "R" for strong graphic violence and drug use, prevasive strong language and some sexuality. It may not be suitable for children under the age of 17.

How can you have a spectacular week without a little bit of Samuel L? You can't. After re-watching this movie during the week, it really made me appreciate what made it so great the first time around. It's smart, funny, violent, and risque, and watching it with a bunch of your besties (I don't actually say that in person, don't worry) made it all the better. The acting is top notch (with the only exception possibly being Butch's girlfriend), the dialogue is fantastic, and characters are interesting. I mean, who wouldn't want to be as cool as Mr. Wolfe? I certainly would, but I don't drive nearly as fast as him so I probably don't stand much of a chance.

This was a fantastic week for me, and it was hard to only pick five. If only I was one of those kids with six fingers on one hand! Than it could have been a high-six Saturday! Oh well. Hope you all had a great week!


P.S. Snape kills Dumbledore.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It might be the greatest invention alive.

Being a senior in high school, a member of this band and another band, a stockboy, a jazz musician, and a member of Mr. Mazzino's AP English class, this liquid auburn goodness comes in handy... multiple times a day.

Now, you may say that coffee is not good for you.

You're probably right. But I'd rather live life awake and unhealthy than healthy and tired!

Anyways, the only reason I mention it is because I'm really, really hyped up on coffee right now. Like, I'd be willing to climb Tarzan-style up a wire surging with electricity just for the rush.

Lies are pouring out of me... much like coffee pours out of a coffee cup! See, not off topic.

Anyways, I should probably start doing something else rather than typing, because I'm murdering my keyboard because I'm so hyper, hence I'm typing really hard and fast. Much like... eh, nevermind.

I look like this guy!


Monday, February 23, 2009

Boxers? Briefs? Both!

So I went to the gym today and I decided to wear these boxer-briefs. I usually just wear plain old boxers, but I thought maybe I could use some extra support like the guy in this photo. I mean, look at that. This guy definitely stuffs. Anyway...

I worked-out on an elliptical machine for over two hours straight. All was going well for about 45 minutes, but then I started to really sweat. I'm notorious for sweating profusely. Take a close look at me at our next show. You'll see a puddle at my feet. Matt and I are definitely the sweaters of SLP. He's got an excuse since he's always moving his extremities (and I mean ALL of his extremities.) But me, I just get really nervous around cute girls in the audience. But, I digress.

Like I said, things were going great for like 45 minutes until I started sweating like crazy. I thought, "No worries. These boxer briefs will keep me nice and dry." I was wrong. They actually ended up riding up my legs, causing my thighs to rub together. Anyone who has had this happen knows how uncomfortable it is. I now have to straddle every chair on which I sit. Tomorrow, I think I'll just go with boxers.

- Murphy

Anyone else had any unpleasant underwear experiences? We want to hear about them. Comment!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Matt's High-Five Fridays!

So, it's Friday. So you know what that means (but you probably don't), it's time for the high-five of the week. Here's five things that really helped make this a fantastic week.

1) Subway's Five-Doll
ar Any Footlong Hoagie Special

So, as you may or may not know, I am a Hoagie fiend. Especially Subway's Five Dollar Footlongs. However, my favorite sub (Chicken and Bacon Ranch) is typically a Six Dollar Footlong here in State College. So, you could just imagine how excited I was when I found out that I can have this delicacy for only five dollars. And if you can't, I'll just tell you, I was pretty excited.

2) Vitamin E Softgels

I have this pretty vivid memory when I was just a little tyke of my Mom taking these fantastic softgel pills. They were squishy, and I just assumed they were like those candies that were in wax where you had to bite off the tops and suck out the juice. Well, I fought a bit of a cold this week, and in my process of forcefeeding myself every vitamin that was in our apartment, I stumbled upon my roommate's Vitamin E softgels. I'm not even too sure what Vitamin E does for you, but I had to take it to forfill that childhood dream. It was almost as cool as I expected it would be as a kid. And I am completely over my cold. So thanks Vitamin E softgels, I couldn't have done it without you.

3) The Spinto Band's Nice and Nicely Done

I've been in a bit of a Spinto Band fix this week. In particularly, their Nice and Nicely Done album. They are a pretty fantastic band; the first time I saw them was at the State Theater down here with The Sw!ms. They're a pretty charming band on stage. They are definitely going to be heavily played on my summer playlist. Maybe I subconsciously think that if I play this album it will get warmer out. Man, I hope so. I am sick of this cold weather. Either way, I'm going to have to pick up their newest effort, "Moonwink," soon. From what I've heard of it, it is pretty solid, especially the single "Summer Grof." C'mon Pennsylvania, I have the Spinto Band, it's time to warm up.

4) Almost Slipping On Ice But Recovering

Don't you hate it when you're walking to around outside after some snowfall and you end up slipping. Don't you hate it even more when it happens when you're around a ton of people. Yeah, me too. But what looks cooler than almost slipping around lots of people, but then recovering and looking totally awesome? Well, I have slipped multiple times this week, but never once did I hit the ground from slipping. I always manage to recover and look totally awesome in the process. Well, that's not entirely true. I doubt that any of the movements that I make mid-slip look cool. But atleast I don't end up on the ground. And that's why it makes this weeks High-Five list.

5) Redheads

Alright, so this isn't necessarily about redheads. However, there is going to be Wendy's in my immediate future, and god-bless that redhead. I mean, there has always been a special place in my heart for them because of her. Wendy, oh Wendy. Now the only decision is what to get? Do I go with the 3 Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers (hold the mayo, ofcourse), value fry, and a drink, or the classic Spicy Chicken Combo? Maybe get chili like my uncle always used to get? Who knows. The opportunities are endless, and Wendy's always makes it a good day. Thanks redheads!

Well, that's my high-five of the week. Hope you had a fantastic week.


Thursday, February 19, 2009


Chet here, and hey, look at us! This is our first blog.

I should throw in a random fact that maybe you guys didn't know.

When Matt and I were "The Washer-Dryer Combo", it was tradition to go to McDonald's and order snack wraps after every show. We also covered Ridin' Dirty.

Goooood times.

Better times now that Joe Matt and Dan are in this shindig. And that we're named after a whole planet instead of a household appliance.

Anyways, this should be fun! Let's start following each other, lads and lasses.

Our first blog

Sometimes funny things happen to us. Sometimes serious things happen to us. And sometimes, we want to share these stories with you. So, this is the official So Long, Pluto blog. Maybe you'll find something worthwhile reading, maybe (probably) you won't. Maybe you'll learn quirky facts about us that you'd never know otherwise, like the fact that Murphy has never eaten a cheeseburger and quite possibly has never had a hoagie either or that we almost named ourselves "Your Math Teacher," paying tribute to Miss. Riley of October Sky notoriety. Our goal for this blog is to be able to stay a little bit more connected with everyone.

And for all of you that stumbled upon this blog in your efforts in finding the definitive online Pluto memorial (RIP), let me be first to welcome you. We're So Long, Pluto, and it's a pleasure to meet you.